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Your Application
Please keep in mind that the application you submit to the guild is our first impression of you as a person and of your character.
As such it should be fairly self evident that the more information you include in the application the better.
A hastily scribbled 5 line application will 99% of the time be automatically rejected, as we feel the content of the actual application resembles the desire for a future applicant to join our guild.
1. Character Information
Name of your character:
AA points:
Magelo profile:
Mandatory! Please don't apply without a magelo profile.
Current Server:
How long you have been playing the character in question:
2. Flags, keys and achievements
Please list flags, keys or achievements which you consider worth mentioning in the following section, for example "flagged for tier 2 raids in expansion XY".
3. Prior Guild History and Raid Experience
Different types of players have different types of backgrounds, and as such it is vital for us to know what your past experiences in the game consist of, i.e what sort of content you have seen before.
Your prior guild relations will be examined and officers of your former guild questioned in regards to how the general opinion of you were in your last guild.
4. Computer specifications
Some of the newer Everquest expansions and encounters require quite alot of effort from the computer in question, and a constantly linkdead or lagging member will not aid us much in defeating a challenging encounter.
Merely provide the specifications of your computer, and your internet connection here.
Internet Connection:
5. Why Raging Fury?
There are a multitude of guilds available on the various servers out there. What made you choose our guild? And if you know any of our members prior to applying, please let us know who so we can get a general impression of you from them.

6. Your play time?
Raging Fury's raiding schedule is as follows:
Monday to Friday 19.00 till 23ish European CET (Raiding 4 of those days. The weekly day off varies, but is mostly Friday)
Sunday from 18.00 CET - 23ish European CET
Saturday off (unofficial raids still occur sporadically).
Hint: Time now: 17:01
7. Alternate characters and former mains
Please let us know if you have any alternate character above level 90. Former mains would be interesting too.
Alternate characters above Level 90:
Former mains:
8. Some information about yourself
Why do you enjoy playing Everquest? What goals have you set for yourself? What made you stick with the game post of the mass exodus to newer grassing grounds?

9. Contact Information
Your eMail address: